
API Documentation



Interfaces, Classes and Traits

This class represents a column in the database capable of holding boolean data.
Represents a table's field in a database. Contains information about the table the field belongs to, the name of the field and if it is (or not) a primary key or auto-increment field.
Represents a table's field in a database. Contains information about the table the field belongs to, the name of the field and if it is (or not) a primary key or auto-increment field.
Represents a table's field in a database. Contains information about the table the field belongs to, the name of the field and if it is (or not) a primary key or auto-increment field.
Represents a table's field in a database. Contains information about the table the field belongs to, the name of the field and if it is (or not) a primary key or auto-increment field.
Represents a field holding a big chunk of text. The essential difference between those is the way they are stored in the database and requested from the user.
This files contains all the classes that help improving nLive or the software based on it without altering the framework itself.
This class is basically an Array cache, this means that you can define stuff to use it later.
This allows us to parse and obtain data from .m3w containers.

Table of Contents

spitfire()  : SpitFire
This is a quick hand method to use Spitfire's main App class as a singleton.
app()  : App
Registers a new Application in Spitfire, allowing it to handle requests directed to it.
boot()  : KernelInterface
Ths function will boot a kernel, instancing it and executing the necessary scripts to initialize it.
assume()  : void
Raises an exception whenever the application runs into an scenario that was not expected. This function functions in a very similar manner to an assertion (with the exception of this being executed in production).
fail()  : void
This function allows the developer to stop the execution of the application.
db()  : DB
Shorthand function to create / retrieve the model the application is using to store data. We could consider this a little DB handler factory.
view()  : StreamInterface
Creates a view. This function will automatically locate the appropriate file containing the template for the view, generate a template and render it to generate a response.
response()  : Response
This function provides a shorthand way of creating a response to a request, this is very useful in combination with the view() function, allowing you to respond from a controller with something like this:
_q()  : type
Escapes quotes from HTML. This will replace both ' and " with ' and " respectively. This does not escape the other HTML entities, for that refer to _e();
_e()  : string
Escapes the HTML from a string. This function will not escape the quotes, please refer to the _q wrapper for that.
_u()  : string
Helper to convert URLs in text to actual links. By default, the application will translate the URL to a pure HTML link, but you can pass a callable to the system to change the output.
__()  : string
Returns HTML escaped string and if desired it adds ellipsis. If the string is numeric it will reduce unnecessary decimals.
_t()  : string|DomainGroup
Translation helper.
console()  : mixed
validate()  : void
Tests a value against a provided set of rules, if the
getPathInfo()  : string
Retrieves the current path from the request. This will retrieve the path without query string or document root.
_def()  : mixed
collect()  : Collection
This function is a shorthand for "new Collection" which also allows fluent usage of the collection in certain environments where the PHP version still limits that behavior.
url()  : mixed
Creates a new URL. Use this class to generate dynamic URLs or to pass URLs as parameters. For consistency (double base prefixes and this kind of misshaps aren't funny) use this object to pass or receive URLs as paramaters.
clamp()  : number
The clamp function is a math function that receives three arguments, a minimum, a bias and a maximum. Clamp will either return the bias or the closest value whenever the bias is outside the range of maximum and minimum.
within()  : number
This is the deprecated naming for the clamp function.
media()  : mixed
storage()  : DriveDispatcher|NodeInterface
mime()  : mixed
event()  : EventDispatcher
Allows the application to manage a central event dispatching system, instead of relying on every component to build a custom one. If your component doesn't wish to share it's hooks and plugins please @see Target
lock()  : FileLockFactory
asset()  : string
defer()  : void
Convenience method for accessing the TaskFactory for deferring tasks. You can pass a task class to be deferred, a bunch of settings and a time to execute this task at.
config()  : mixed
Returns an application configuration. Note that configuration in Spitfire is tiered, configuration and environments.
env()  : string|null
This function should ONLY be invoked from the config files. This data is not cached, and therefore not always available during runtime.
cli()  : bool
Allows the application to reliably determine whether it is running in a console or on a web server environment.



This is a quick hand method to use Spitfire's main App class as a singleton.

spitfire() : SpitFire

It allows you to quickly access many of the components the framework provides to make it easier to read and maintain the code being created.


type $sf

Return values


Registers a new Application in Spitfire, allowing it to handle requests directed to it.

app(string $name, string $namespace) : App
$name : string

The name of the Application

$namespace : string

The namespace in which the requests will be sent to the application.

Return values

The App created by the system, use this to pass parameters and configuration to the application.


Ths function will boot a kernel, instancing it and executing the necessary scripts to initialize it.

boot(class-string<\KernelInterface> $kernel) : KernelInterface
$kernel : class-string<\KernelInterface>

The name of the kernel to boot

Return values


Raises an exception whenever the application runs into an scenario that was not expected. This function functions in a very similar manner to an assertion (with the exception of this being executed in production).

assume(bool $condition, string|Closure|Exception $failure) : void

The second parameter contains the name of the exception to be raised on failure, an exception instance or a closure to be executed, which should then either end execution or throw an exception itself.

This is intended to reduce the boilerplate on code that looks like this: if (!$condition) { throw new Exception(); }

The code becomes a bit more readable and drops the negation, making it look like this: assume($condition, Exception::class);

Overall reducing the strain of visually analyzing the code.

$condition : bool

If the condition is true, the code will continue being executed

$failure : string|Closure|Exception
Return values


This function allows the developer to stop the execution of the application.

fail(int $status[, string $message = '' ]) : void

It raises a failure exception that will prevent the code from continuing and display a message to the end user that explains the situation.

Whenever your application runs into a more specific issue, you should avoid using this and instead raise a custom exception that offers the user support to resolve the issue or additional information.

$status : int
$message : string = ''
Return values


Shorthand function to create / retrieve the model the application is using to store data. We could consider this a little DB handler factory.

db() : DB
Return values


Creates a view. This function will automatically locate the appropriate file containing the template for the view, generate a template and render it to generate a response.

view(string|null $identifier, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : StreamInterface

Right now it does a very simplistic job, intializing a pug engine that will allow us to generate an output.

$identifier : string|null
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Future iterations should accept a templating engine other than pug


Future revisions should return the template so changes can be made

Return values


This function provides a shorthand way of creating a response to a request, this is very useful in combination with the view() function, allowing you to respond from a controller with something like this:

response(StreamInterface $stream[, int $code = 200 ][, array<string|int, array<string|int, string>> $headers = [] ]) : Response

return response(view('home'));

Or something along the lines of:

`return response(view('notfound'), 404);

$stream : StreamInterface
$code : int = 200
$headers : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>> = []
Return values


Escapes quotes from HTML. This will replace both ' and " with &#039; and &quot; respectively. This does not escape the other HTML entities, for that refer to _e();

_q(type $str) : type

Usually you should use this function like _q(_e($str));

$str : type
Return values


Escapes the HTML from a string. This function will not escape the quotes, please refer to the _q wrapper for that.

_e(string $str) : string
$str : string
Return values


Helper to convert URLs in text to actual links. By default, the application will translate the URL to a pure HTML link, but you can pass a callable to the system to change the output.

_u(string $str[, Closure|callable $cb = null ]) : string
$str : string
$cb : Closure|callable = null
Return values


Returns HTML escaped string and if desired it adds ellipsis. If the string is numeric it will reduce unnecessary decimals.

__(string $str[, int $maxlength = false ]) : string
$str : string
$maxlength : int = false
Return values


Translation helper.

_t() : string|DomainGroup

Depending on the arguments this function receives, it will have one of several behaviors.

If the first argument is a spitfire\locale\Locale and the function receives a optional second parameter, then it will assign the locale to either the global domain / the domain provided in the second parameter.

Otherwise, if the first parameter is a string, it will call the default locale's say method. Which will translate the string using the standard locale.

If no parameters are provided, this function returns a DomainGroup object, which provides access to the currency and date functions as well as the other domains that the system has for translations.

Return values


console() : mixed
Return values


Tests a value against a provided set of rules, if the

validate(mixed $value, mixed $rules) : void
$value : mixed
$rules : mixed
Return values


_def(mixed &$a, mixed $b) : mixed
$a : mixed
$b : mixed
Return values


This function is a shorthand for "new Collection" which also allows fluent usage of the collection in certain environments where the PHP version still limits that behavior.

collect([mixed $elements = [] ]) : Collection
$elements : mixed = []
Return values


Creates a new URL. Use this class to generate dynamic URLs or to pass URLs as parameters. For consistency (double base prefixes and this kind of misshaps aren't funny) use this object to pass or receive URLs as paramaters.

url() : mixed

Please note that when passing a URL that contains the URL as a string like "/hello/world?a=b&c=d" you cannot pass any other parameters. It implies that you already have a full URL.

You can pass any amount of parameters to this class, the constructor will try to automatically parse the URL as good as possible.

  • Arrays are used as _GET
  • App objects are used to identify the namespace
  • Strings that contain / or ? will be parsed and added to GET and path
  • The rest of strings will be pushed to the path.
Return values


The clamp function is a math function that receives three arguments, a minimum, a bias and a maximum. Clamp will either return the bias or the closest value whenever the bias is outside the range of maximum and minimum.

clamp(number $min, number $bias, number $max) : number

The first and the last parameter delimit the range. The second parameter is the bias being tested.

within(1, 50, 100); //Outputs: 50 within(1, 500, 100); //Outputs: 100 within(1, -50, 100); //Outputs: 1

$min : number
$bias : number
$max : number
Return values


This is the deprecated naming for the clamp function.

within(number $min, number $val, number $max) : number
$min : number
$val : number
$max : number

since version 0.1-dev 2020-09-29

Return values


media() : mixed
Return values


storage() : DriveDispatcher|NodeInterface

type $dispatcher

Return values


mime(mixed $file) : mixed
$file : mixed
Return values


Allows the application to manage a central event dispatching system, instead of relying on every component to build a custom one. If your component doesn't wish to share it's hooks and plugins please @see Target

event([Event $event = null ]) : EventDispatcher
$event : Event = null

\spitfire\core\event\EventDispatcher $dispatcher

Return values


asset(string $name[, string $scope = 'assets/' ]) : string
$name : string
$scope : string = 'assets/'

A directory to scope this to. If an application builds it's own assets and generates a manifest file, it will be located here. The mix-manifest file is required to be located in the root of this directory.

Note that the scope must be relative to the public directory, if this is not the case, the system will generate bad URLs or fail to locate the manifests.

If, for example, your application publishes it's assets to the assets/vendor/myapp older within public folder, this is exactly the string it should pass

Return values


Convenience method for accessing the TaskFactory for deferring tasks. You can pass a task class to be deferred, a bunch of settings and a time to execute this task at.

defer(string $task, mixed $options, int $defer[, int $ttl = 10 ]) : void

Please refer to the documentation to enable the daemon required to process the queue.

$task : string
$options : mixed
$defer : int
$ttl : int = 10

spitfire\defer\TaskFactory $async

Return values


Returns an application configuration. Note that configuration in Spitfire is tiered, configuration and environments.

config(string $key[, mixed $fallback = null ]) : mixed

You as the developer should establish the configuration so the components you add to your application work as expected, and should expose the environment to the person deploying the application so they can customize the behavior.

$key : string

The key in the configuration

$fallback : mixed = null

The value to return if the configuration does not contain the key

Return values

The data for this configuration entry


This function should ONLY be invoked from the config files. This data is not cached, and therefore not always available during runtime.

env(string $param) : string|null

Reads a value from the current environment.

$param : string
Return values


Allows the application to reliably determine whether it is running in a console or on a web server environment.

cli() : bool
Return values

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